Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Newsflash: College Station Now Houston Suburb

Okay, I've got another AP article that has hit me wrong...

In an article about former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, they mention a suggestion that he speak at the George Bush Presidential Library. This is located in College Station, TX, just a couple minutes drive from where I'm sitting.

Here's the quote: "The document appears to raise the possibility of Romney speaking at the presidential library of Bush's father, George H.W. Bush. It is located outside Houston, the same city where Kennedy delivered his speech. "

Actually, it takes about the same amount of time to get to Austin, so I guess we're "outside" both Houston and Austin. My theory is that they were trying to link Romney to JFK (since Romney is Mormon and Kennedy was Catholic), and stretching it to tie the two together.

Update: Here's the link on cnn.com if you're interested in the story.


Monday, February 26, 2007

Ladies Renewal

I went on a Ladies Renewal this weekend, and it was really good. A lot of good things came of it, but what I'm going to share is the funniest part of it. We had an 80's party at the end to unwind. I was impressed at the many authentic items people wore! I have to give my personal award to Staci - her picture looks exactly like the 1988 homecoming queen's yearbook photo. It also reminds me of friend's Glamour Shots during that time... all she needs is a background with random colored streaks.

Thanks to my sister who let me borrow her cut-up sweatshirt and tank top, and April who let me borrow the most awesome 80's earrings ever!


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Fantasia (1940)

This morning, my instant oatmeal package (the source of all useful information) asked for the name of the oldest full-length animated film. My co-worker and I thought of Fantasia, but it turns out that Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was 3 years earlier (1937). Thinking back about Fantasia, I remembered this guy:

Did anyone else find this guy (Chernabog) to be really scary? I haven't seen the movie in years, but I know I had nightmares after seeing it when I was younger (okay, it didn't take much for me to have nightmares, but still). Maybe the movie was more for adults than children.


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Changing Surprises: Hairy Changes

(look two posts back if this seems random)

Changes are a part of life that we all face. Recently an abnormally large number of changes has occurred in one particular area of my husband’s life, and I feel it demands to be addressed. Here I’ve created a brief history of haircuts / styles that Joe has had since I’ve known him (1999).

On our first date, Joe knew I didn’t like facial hair, so he shaved off his goatee. I call his expression here “the Zoolander.”

This is the way Joe looked for most of when we first were dating… sometimes without the goofy smile, though. He had this haircut since about age two.

This first thing you notice in this picture is probably NOT Joe’s hair. So his dress was also “unique” when we met. This is one of the times he experimented with a beard. It was pretty much just because he didn’t want to shave.

This was a special occasion style worn only to accent his exquisite sunburn. (Yes, I cut myself out of this picture… I didn’t have a heat stroke to blame on my hairstyle.)

What I like to call “the hat” is an often-seen style of Joe’s… especially when showers haven’t been readily available. I’m afraid this hat had an accident and is no longer a part of Joe’s wardrobe.

Well, Joe told me once that he had a surprise for me when he got back California. He came straight from L.A. to my formal concert with the surprise – he had dyed his hair orange. He said not to worry, it was temporary dye… but he had bleached his hair first. We had several months of growing it out – fortunately, the 8 months before the wedding was long enough.

Next we have what became “normal” for Joe. I like this look. : )

And then he shaved it all off. This is the only up-close pic I have of him during this phase. I wonder if you can guess why.

The hair made a comeback! Woohoo!

Still very short hair… but growing.

Well, we kept the “normal look” from above for a little while, but now Joe’s given in to my pleading and let his hair go long and curly! It’s fun and I’m enjoying it a lot right now. He may go back to the “normal look” sometime, but for now, love the curls! (Yes, he has always had these curls, he would just comb them straight – what a crime!)


Changing Surprises: Harry Potter

(see the previous post to know where this is coming from)
Did you know that Kathryn and Joe have dressed up for the last two Harry Potter movies?
We were very popular at the movie theatre. EVERYONE was looking at us - you could tell they were envious. One especially intelligent-looking 9-year-old even asked me where I got my costume, and was impressed (yet somewhat sad) when I told her I made it.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
left to right: Emily (Joe's sister), Gloria (Joe's mom), Kathryn (as Hermione), Joe (as Harry)
the real Hermione Grainger and Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Kathryn (as Hermione) and Joe (as Viktor Krum)

(left) Hermione in a school uniform; (right) Viktor and Hermione at the Yule Ball


Changing Surprises

When I was frustrated with blogger for not allowing me to post pictures, I decided to add a page to my website that would be called "Surprises" and have whatever I wanted on it. Now that there is a new version of blogger, I've been posting pictures on here instead of the surprises page and it's silly to keep a link to it. So I'm moving my surprises to my blog today, and that's what the next two blogs will be!


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Such a long time!

It's been a long time, I know! And I hate to say it, but this isn't a real blog, either. I have a couple in the works, but need to take pictures off my camera to post. Until then, here are a few pictures for fun (thanks for the first one, Emily). Please don't give up on me - I'll post again soon! :)

A major dilemma in California
We had two tires that got a screw in them in January... I think this is a good theory.

I've wondered the same thing, just not in a bookstore.
