George Washington never slept at my house.
Sometimes I skip blogging because nothing exciting is happening and sharing my big decision for the day (which toothpaste to use) seems lame.
That's not the case this time! SO MUCH has been happening!
We've had TWO big work-on-the-house weekends lately, and loads has been done! If only I had time at home to upload pictures, you'd be amazed. I finished the second coat of paint in the living area and tons of baseboards and trim has gone in. Unless you've lived in a house without baseboards, you have no idea how annoying it really is. We only lack hardwood floor in two bedrooms now! I'll save more descriptions for the pictures.
Also, I'm in a play for the first time! It's "George Washington Slept Here" put on by the Navasota Theatre Alliance (community theater). It's a light-hearted comedy-ish play, which is fun. I have a tiny part (Katie the cook), but I'm helping with props and backstage stuff, too. I auditioned the first week of January and we've been having rehearsals ever since. Tonight is our "friends and family night" - essentially our final dress rehearsal for a forgiving and non-paying audience. We open Thursday night and have performances Thursday through Sunday for the next three weeks! Let me know if you're coming so I'm sure not to miss you (also, don't come late because you can't sneak in once it has started). You can check out the times / dates here and reserve tickets here.
I've enjoyed my time with the NTA. I think the cast ranges from a 7th grader to retirees. EVERYONE is really encouraging and friendly, which makes long rehearsals much better. I've learned more about what putting on a production is like; it's unique! You have to trust others in a different way - not only onstage (that they'll remember their lines and blocking), but also offstage (that props will be put where they belong or someone won't run into you in the dark backstage area). I'm glad I joined on for this play, and think I would enjoy more acting in the future!
note: Many people have asked me why I auditioned for a play. I had to have a performing arts credit in college (the 8 semesters of band and choir somehow did not count), so I took an acting class. I had done skits when I was in the Aggies for Christ (and always got complements), so I was interested in learning more about acting. The class was challenging, but I definitely grew through it. We did perform scenes for the class (my final project had more lines than I do in this play for sure), but I never got a feel for what all goes into a play. Since then, I've done a tiny bit of acting (Remember my panic attack last year? I actually got paid for that! And there's always that time I had a stalker...) but had been hoping for more. If I could do anything I want, I'd star in a musical. But I don't know how to dance and my singing voice shakes when I'm nervous. And as a newbie, you don't get a big role. So, here I am!
That's not the case this time! SO MUCH has been happening!
We've had TWO big work-on-the-house weekends lately, and loads has been done! If only I had time at home to upload pictures, you'd be amazed. I finished the second coat of paint in the living area and tons of baseboards and trim has gone in. Unless you've lived in a house without baseboards, you have no idea how annoying it really is. We only lack hardwood floor in two bedrooms now! I'll save more descriptions for the pictures.
Also, I'm in a play for the first time! It's "George Washington Slept Here" put on by the Navasota Theatre Alliance (community theater). It's a light-hearted comedy-ish play, which is fun. I have a tiny part (Katie the cook), but I'm helping with props and backstage stuff, too. I auditioned the first week of January and we've been having rehearsals ever since. Tonight is our "friends and family night" - essentially our final dress rehearsal for a forgiving and non-paying audience. We open Thursday night and have performances Thursday through Sunday for the next three weeks! Let me know if you're coming so I'm sure not to miss you (also, don't come late because you can't sneak in once it has started). You can check out the times / dates here and reserve tickets here.
I've enjoyed my time with the NTA. I think the cast ranges from a 7th grader to retirees. EVERYONE is really encouraging and friendly, which makes long rehearsals much better. I've learned more about what putting on a production is like; it's unique! You have to trust others in a different way - not only onstage (that they'll remember their lines and blocking), but also offstage (that props will be put where they belong or someone won't run into you in the dark backstage area). I'm glad I joined on for this play, and think I would enjoy more acting in the future!
note: Many people have asked me why I auditioned for a play. I had to have a performing arts credit in college (the 8 semesters of band and choir somehow did not count), so I took an acting class. I had done skits when I was in the Aggies for Christ (and always got complements), so I was interested in learning more about acting. The class was challenging, but I definitely grew through it. We did perform scenes for the class (my final project had more lines than I do in this play for sure), but I never got a feel for what all goes into a play. Since then, I've done a tiny bit of acting (Remember my panic attack last year? I actually got paid for that! And there's always that time I had a stalker...) but had been hoping for more. If I could do anything I want, I'd star in a musical. But I don't know how to dance and my singing voice shakes when I'm nervous. And as a newbie, you don't get a big role. So, here I am!
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