Changing Surprises: Hairy Changes
Changes are a part of life that we all face. Recently an abnormally large number of changes has occurred in one particular area of my husband’s life, and I feel it demands to be addressed. Here I’ve created a brief history of haircuts / styles that Joe has had since I’ve known him (1999).
This is the way Joe looked for most of when we first were dating… sometimes without the goofy smile, though. He had this haircut since about age two.

This was a special occasion style worn only to accent his exquisite sunburn. (Yes, I cut myself out of this picture… I didn’t have a heat stroke to blame on my hairstyle.)
What I like to call “the hat” is an often-seen style of Joe’s… especially when showers haven’t been readily available. I’m afraid this hat had an accident and is no longer a part of Joe’s wardrobe.

Well, Joe told me once that he had a surprise for me when he got back California. He came straight from L.A. to my formal concert with the surprise – he had dyed his hair orange. He said not to worry, it was temporary dye… but he had bleached his hair first. We had several months of growing it out – fortunately, the 8 months before the wedding was long enough.
Next we have what became “normal” for Joe. I like this look. : )
And then he shaved it all off. This is the only up-close pic I have of him during this phase. I wonder if you can guess why.
The hair made a comeback! Woohoo!
Still very short hair… but growing.
Well, we kept the “normal look” from above for a little while, but now Joe’s given in to my pleading and let his hair go long and curly! It’s fun and I’m enjoying it a lot right now. He may go back to the “normal look” sometime, but for now, love the curls! (Yes, he has always had these curls, he would just comb them straight – what a crime!)
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