Friday, February 27, 2009

Day Spa!

For my birthday, Joe gave me a gift certificate to a local day spa (Riviera) and I promised to write about it after I went. (I had forgotten about the day spa dream I had until I reread that post - it went much better in real life!) Since the gift certificate expired this week, I finally went! It was very hard deciding which "treatments" to get, but I finally settled on the Escape package.

First, a 30 minute massage. I paid a little extra for a deep-tissue massage, and I'm sure glad I did! I had heard rumors about it hurting, but it was actually more like I expected a regular massage to be. It only hurt a little when she went over a couple of knots on my neck. I had trouble relaxing during the massage because I kept thinking about what I would write about it! I'm crazy! You'll be grateful that my thought of "I'm glad I didn't get a regular massage - if I wanted someone to pat my back for 30 minutes, I could have paid a neighborhood kid half this much" got cut due to its borderline-creepiness factor. Also, there were some bird chirping sounds randomly over the relaxing music that played. This occupied most of my thoughts. I really think it must have been a signal for the employees, but not for my massage therapist (she didn't change what she was doing anytime close to the bird calls). Anyone know what it could be?
I once was in physical therapy for back spasms (from a car accident), and he (PT) put some sonic pulse thing over the knots / spasms and pressed really hard, then rubbed the muscle. It was horribly painful (I often cried), but I felt EXTREME relief when he stopped. I was expecting something more like that for the deep-tissue massage, but it wasn't even close. Overall, I enjoyed the massage, but didn't feel any different afterward. Oh, and she rubbed my lower back / top of my rear. It felt as weird as one would expect (not creepy, just physically odd).

Next, a 30 minute mini-facial. My favorite part was having steam on my face for a long time. I got to just breathe it in! That was very relaxing. She looked at my skin with a Wood's Lamp... I wonder how people would react if she called it what it is (a UV light). She said I should try topical or low-dose antibiotics from a dermatologist. I'm not sure if I will or not, but I feel better knowing that my skin care regimen is appropriate. Like the massage, I was surprised to not feel any different afterward.

Finally, a spa pedicure! For around 45 minutes I sat in a massage chair and had my feet soaked, scrubbed and pampered. It was great! Even now (two days later), my feet feel extra soft.

I probably will not get a facial or massage (unless it is more intense) again, but I definitely enjoyed my relaxing day off - three hours at a spa is very nice! The "relaxation room" that you wait in between treatments is calm and peaceful.

Thank you, Joseph, for the amazing gift!

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Coming Soon: A Stay-cation!

I've go so much to blog about! We've done more work on the house and took a few days off work (during which a friend came to visit, and I visited a day spa).

You know it's bad went you are getting the only massage you've ever had and you are thinking about what you're going to write about it.

I have not been keeping up with the home & garden blog like I should, but I did post a couple before / after pictures that you might be interested in - check it out.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Little Black Book

Around Christmas time, Joe bought be one of my new favorite things. It's a little notebook that I write down ideas I have. The categories are things like Things to learn, Home Decor, Funny T-shirts, and Things to Give. Basically whenever I think of something I want to remember, I write it in there. I love using it!

This is the notebook I use - it also has a bookmark and pouch!

Most of what I write is related to things I'd like to make (like a piece of art for our wall or a potential Christmas gift). Some of these ideas just pop into my head, but usually I see something that inspires me - or that I just want to copy outright. :) My inspiration often comes from everyday places (a bamboo project from Panda Express) or design websites (like Dustbowl), tossed in with the occasional visit to galleries.

This week I seem to have an underlying theme in my ideas. You highlight one part by doing something to the less-important part! I'll share.

Though it'll probably be a kid or baby name (or one of the dozens of t-shirt ideas I have written down) instead of hello, I see this in my future...
That is the work of Emma Smart (found via sub-studio design blog).

Then I came across bleach stenciling.
I already know how the conversation at home will go...
Joe: You haven't done that?!?
Me: No. Have you even heard of it before?
Joe: No, but it seems like the sort of thing you would have done.

I think I'll let Mom off the hook for not introducing me... kids and bleach don't mix well.

Now that I've started thinking about it, I've already got several ideas going. I think my first go will be making some contemporary / modern placemats. Placemats are so expensive, but cloth and bleach are so cheap!
I may try dipping the cloth in bleach water, or using rubber bands or strips of paper.

(these pics are some quickly done idea "sketches" I made using PowerPoint)

If you're looking for bleach stencil ideas, you should check out this site - they must have had fun!

I'd love to hear some of your ideas! Have you ever tried bleach stenciling? Is it as easy as it looks?

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

De Nile

I am still (after 5+ years) taken off guard by the emails and comments I get at work. I just got an email that only said:

Thank you for the mouse.

You'd think I'd be used to the weird comments by now, but I guess I'm still in denial.

If you'd like to join me in denial, feel free to think the email was about a computer peripheral.

(speaking of... you should read my husband's story if you haven't already)


George Washington never slept at my house.

Sometimes I skip blogging because nothing exciting is happening and sharing my big decision for the day (which toothpaste to use) seems lame.

That's not the case this time! SO MUCH has been happening!

We've had TWO big work-on-the-house weekends lately, and loads has been done! If only I had time at home to upload pictures, you'd be amazed. I finished the second coat of paint in the living area and tons of baseboards and trim has gone in. Unless you've lived in a house without baseboards, you have no idea how annoying it really is. We only lack hardwood floor in two bedrooms now! I'll save more descriptions for the pictures.

Also, I'm in a play for the first time! It's "George Washington Slept Here" put on by the Navasota Theatre Alliance (community theater). It's a light-hearted comedy-ish play, which is fun. I have a tiny part (Katie the cook), but I'm helping with props and backstage stuff, too. I auditioned the first week of January and we've been having rehearsals ever since. Tonight is our "friends and family night" - essentially our final dress rehearsal for a forgiving and non-paying audience. We open Thursday night and have performances Thursday through Sunday for the next three weeks! Let me know if you're coming so I'm sure not to miss you (also, don't come late because you can't sneak in once it has started). You can check out the times / dates here and reserve tickets here.

I've enjoyed my time with the NTA. I think the cast ranges from a 7th grader to retirees. EVERYONE is really encouraging and friendly, which makes long rehearsals much better. I've learned more about what putting on a production is like; it's unique! You have to trust others in a different way - not only onstage (that they'll remember their lines and blocking), but also offstage (that props will be put where they belong or someone won't run into you in the dark backstage area). I'm glad I joined on for this play, and think I would enjoy more acting in the future!

note: Many people have asked me why I auditioned for a play. I had to have a performing arts credit in college (the 8 semesters of band and choir somehow did not count), so I took an acting class. I had done skits when I was in the Aggies for Christ (and always got complements), so I was interested in learning more about acting. The class was challenging, but I definitely grew through it. We did perform scenes for the class (my final project had more lines than I do in this play for sure), but I never got a feel for what all goes into a play. Since then, I've done a tiny bit of acting (Remember my panic attack last year? I actually got paid for that! And there's always that time I had a stalker...) but had been hoping for more. If I could do anything I want, I'd star in a musical. But I don't know how to dance and my singing voice shakes when I'm nervous. And as a newbie, you don't get a big role. So, here I am!


Saturday, February 07, 2009

pictures as a couple

It seems like every time Joe and I take a picture together, one of us looks good and the other looks like a dog in a car wash. I really don't think it's all in my head. The Christmas before last we took over 80 pictures of us to put on a Christmas card. Three turned out okay. THREE! If that's not enough proof, here's some more...

This looks like a normal picture of me... actually, it's likely better than I normally look:Now, let's pan out a bit and see Joe:
He did just walk in from the windy outdoors, but... well, maybe it's just in my head... but when I imagine a half-crazed hungry vampire who is about to blow his cover (which I imagine fairly often), this is the look I see. It's a little hidden behind the "Is this person going to count to three? I probably have a few seconds to get positioned" face, but that hint of barely controlled frenzy is there. (Hint: cover his mouth and just look at his eyes - it's there!)
