Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day 7 - song

I'll have to make up Tuesday (Day 6) later!

Excuses for the past two days of lesser creativity / what we've been up to: (skip this is you're the hates-excuses type) Monday I went from work to home and started cooking immediately and from before we were done cooking until after 9, Joe and I were playing with / watching / helping (I don't know what to call it), some kids who live 5 houses down the street (and whose mom we're in small group with at church). I know mothers do stuff like this every day and probably work in creative time, but I'm not a mother yet and don't know how to do that. Tuesday we have small group for church, so the day went work, fix dinner, comgroup (community groups is what we call them). Today (Wednesday), I got a call saying I could get my fillings done this afternoon (yes, I've got cavities), so right now my jaw is killing me. I had a cavity under an old filling that was on top of and between two molars. I've learned to close my eyes when they insert those things to wedge your teeth apart. But at least Joe and I didn't have anything going on tonight! We watched some of the last presidential debates, as well as tonight's episode of Pushing Daisies (the show I recently wrote about). I enjoyed Pushing Daisies more.

On to the creative part...

I've been working on a song for a while. Sometimes I can write something very quickly, but each part of this song rolls around in my head for a while before I actually get anything down on paper, then I change that at least a dozen times before I'm semi-happy with it. Keeping that in mind, I started the final verse. For this song I've been writing what I want to say, and worrying about the exact words (to fit meter and rhyme) later, so what I wrote tonight is just me getting started figuring out what I want to say.

The song is mostly based on Psalm 107:4-32. I suggest reading it. To me, this psalm expresses different situations in which people turn to the Lord, and for me is a reminder of how He rescues us (me) and how He loves us (me). I'll write out three verses I'm fairly happy with, then share what I wrote tonight as a start to the last verse.

I wandered, but I found no home,
Nor road to show the way.
Thirst and hunger with me roamed,
And I lost count of days.
Then I cried, "My Lord!" in my desp'rateness
And God delivered me from my distress
He led me home without delay;
He fed my soul a feast each day.

Encompassed by the deepest gloom,
My hands and feet were bound.
I came this way, past signs of doom,
In loneliness I drowned
Then I cried, "My Lord!" in my desp'rateness
And God delivered me from my distress
He cast the shadow from my midst;
He burst the chain that bound my wrists.

I turned a fool who welcomed sin,
And fed only on its lies.
I loathed good food, and so grew thin,
Devoured by my guest.
Then I cried, "My Lord!" in my desp'rateness
And God delivered me from my distress.
He gave healing and direction;
He freed me from self-distruction.

The final part (verses 23-32) tells about sailors who witness the Lord's "wondrous works." What it seems like to me is that the men are doing their job when God (it's VERY specific that God commanded the wind) brought a storm to them that brought them to their "wits' end." Then they cry out, and God stills the storm. And then it says "Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love, for his wondrous works to the children of men!" Really? Oh, yeah - thanks God for that storm that cost us days at sea and nearly killed us, thanks! I don't feel THAT strongly, but still it's hard for me to grasp. In recent days, I've been thinking about and pryaing a lot for my friends who just lost their baby girl. You can tell by what they wrote about it, that through this storm, they better know and recognize God's steadfast love. I've been focusing on that more as I try to wrap my heart around these verses.

The third verse was also initially difficult for me to connect with, but it finally clicked and resonated with me deep down, like the first two did without hesistation. I also had to use "us" or "some" instead of "me" when originally writing that verse, so I'm starting out that way here. I also think that it was a bunch of sailors on that boat, not just one, so maybe us would work. But I think you could argue that for the first verse, too. Without further ado, my first crack at trying to grasp this verse:

We were going about our daily work
When God called upon us a storm
So strong his winds and harsh his rains,
forget life as normal - we couldn't even walk straight
Then we cried "My Lord!" in our desp'rateness
And God delivered us from our distress
He stilled the storm and we rejoiced for the quiet / boring
He revealed to us that day his steadfast love

The final version will look little like that - but I've got to start somewhere! I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on what those verses mean to you. Also, feel free to comment on the other three parts - I'm not completely settled on them. Thanks! I plan for more to the song, but these verses will be the main part.



Blogger shauna maness said...

i love it... LOVE IT!! soo beautiful!! it gave me chills- i read it over and over- do you sing too? you should write some music on your piano (im so jealous) and then record it for all the world to hear...
it is really, really beautiful- thanks for sharing...
thank you Jesus for storms...
thank you Lord for creativity that stirs your spirit in us...

that truly blessed my soul-
i told you guys this would be amazing!!

10:03 AM  

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