Thursday, October 02, 2008

further back: before Ike

I just realized that it had been even longer than I thought since I'd shared an update. Here's some more...

August 21st-24th: Church Camp. I wrote some about this, and still do hope to write some more!

August 26th: Out of the Silent Planet. I facilitated a ladies book club meeting on C.S. Lewis' Out of the Silent Planet. I posted with some thoughts we didn't have time to discuss. I recommend it, even though it moves fairly slow at the beginning. The other two books in the trilogy are even better (the last one's my favorite - a very different page-turner), but you should read this one first.

August 29th-31st: House, Reception, Houston. My parents come down and help work on the house some Friday night and Saturday during the day. This is went the refrigerator / water saga began, for those of you keeping track. Saturday early evening we drove down to my cousin's wedding reception (they got married in Las Vegas) in Industry, TX. After it was over, we drove back to College Station (over an hour), met up with a couple of friends, and drove down to Houston. It was a very late night! A bunch of friends were visiting some friends that moved down there several months ago. Sunday morning we went to a church where some (apparently) famous worship leader was coming. It was sort of a concert, sort of him leading worship (from my perspective) - all songs he had written. The musicians were very talented. He also preached, and I thought all he had to say was good and thought-provoking - even more so than his songs. We returned to College Station barely in time to help "host" our church (we set up, clean up, and run nursery).

September 6th-7th: Houston and Back Again! After a shower for a beautiful bride-to-be, Joe and I went to Houston for his sister's housewarming party. She bought a house at the same time we did, but hers was completely new and finished. We had seen it once before she moved in, but it looked even better all decorated. We got to see some of Joe's extended family, many of whom we haven't seen since the spring. Sunday we headed back to College Station. Joe helped move around the stuff in a guest bedroom so that I could get to the computer and then rushed to pack and leave for Dallas (he was taking the laptop).

September 7th-10th: Joe's gone! He went to a SQL Server training in Dallas. Sunday night he got to meet with ComChurch Irving and stay the night with our friends there. Monday night he met up with two ComChurch Irving guys and ate at a place he says was delicious called "Babe's Chicken." In the evenings (I still had to go to work during the day), I worked on the house. I painted the bathroom and made / put up some curtains and stuff to make that room look nicer. Monday night some friends from a few houses down (9 and 10 years old) wanted to come help. I don't know if you've ever painted with kids that age, but it's definitely an adventure! They had fun, and I'm really glad they came over. Tuesday night some people from our future-small group met in a park for a while. After I got home from that I finished cutting in and did a second coat of paint. You'd think it'd get easier, but Tuesday night was the hardest to go to sleep without Joe. I really missed him! I think I did a bit more organizing and cleaning up Wednesday night, and Joe got home to see his surprise (that bathroom) around 9:00. He liked it!

Thursday during the day is when Joe's family came up because of the mandatory evacuation for Hurricane Ike, and now I'm caught up!



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