Monday, October 09, 2006

Entertainment Expectations

Okay, so I'm bored. I'm going to write a little about a few different shows, books, etc. I would suggest reading only those you are familiar with... it'd be even more dull otherwise. These are only my opinions and they probably DO CONTAIN SPOILERS.

The Office (t.v. show on NBC)
We've recently become interested in this, watching the first two seasons over the last couple of weeks. There was a British version, but I've never seen it. I think it's funny that several of the characters names are the same as the actors name who plays that character. I hope Pam and Jim do get together and get married. I was a little sad to see Toby show interest in Pam. Toby is sweet and you have to feel for him, but it's gotta be Jim with Pam. It's a funny show... after a while even Michael grows on you.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (book)
Here's the deal: I think Snape is still good. He did what he had to do, and I think Dumbledore knew it was coming. Besides, Harry depended on Dumbledore too much. Could he have gotten the locket / horcrux without Dumbledore? I think not. It'll be good for him to go on without the security blanket. I just hope he's not a jerk to Malfoy. Him I do feel sorry for - I hope he can get away from the Death Eaters. I guess my only other thought on this right now is about R.A.B. (who had already stolen the real horcrux locket). I think it was Sirus' brother (Regulus Black). I would rather that be the case than some new character.

Gattaca (movie)
I think this is my favorite movie. You should see it if you haven't. I especially like the doctor (who works for Gattaca).

Dean Koontz (author)
He writes well enough, but has a happy ending problem. No matter what happens in the book, he creates a beyond-best-possible-scenario ending. For example (a REAL example... I won't tell you which book, but so many have dogs this doesn't give it away), the dog saves the day, but seems to have been killed. Flash forward about 6 months, the dog is alive! And has found a girl dog (yes, I know there is another word for that)! And they have really cute puppies! Are you kidding me? I can handle happy endings for books, but let's try to stick with a little realism here. And can we please cut back on the reoccurring dogs-save-the-world theme? Please?


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Cricket Rules

The other night Joe and I were leaving a grocery store. I was on my side of the car and he was on the other side, about to unlock it for us. Joe said "Watch out." So I looked away, thinking he was going to spit (he knows I don't like to see that, and so when he's going to he usually warns me). Instead I hear a load blowing sound and look over to see Joe blowing on the car and a small black thing soaring through the air, straight at me. I hurry backwards as the black thing arcs toward me. It finally hit the ground, less than a foot in front of my sandaled feet. It was a black cricket. Now, I hate crickets. I really hate roaches, but black crickets are a close second. Grasshoppers are okay, but crickets are not. Joe knows this about me. Joe starts to laugh. (it's my blog, I can change tenses if I want) I demand "UNLOCK THE CAR, NOW." Joe stops laughing and unlocks the car. We get in the car and ask "What were you doing?" Joe explains that there was a cricket above his door and he was blowing it off so he could get in the car. When I asked why he blew the cricket at me, he said that he wasn't trying to blow it directly at me, just away from the door. That's when I declared, with all the authority I could muster, "You don't blow crickets at people."

We laughed about it later... apparently Joe has made it 26 years unaware of this key rule in social interactions.


Monday, October 02, 2006

A Barista in the Family

This last Saturday Joe started a new part-time job (he still has his full-time job) at a local coffee shop, Java Joy. I don't think anyone actually reads my blog, but this seems like the type of this that I'm supposed to include, so I am! If, by odd chance, you are reading my blog and would like to visit Joe at work sometime, give me a call and we'll both go up.
