books, Part 2 (how the most recent obsession began)
(continuing the book theme of my previous post)
Friday, November 21st, Joe and I were walking to the register at HEB when I saw him. A kid (how I now refer to high school guys) who looked normal other than white makeup on his face. Let me remind you, I'm in Bryan, Texas. Not much of a goth scene here. So I nudged Joe and shot a questioning look at the guy. Joe whispered, "That movie - Twilight," and I choked out a laugh before I could stop. Immediately Joe said "You're one to laugh!" He's totally right - but it caught me off guard! Vegetarian vampires walking around HEB!
That weekend we had been doing wedding shower and house related stuff. By the time Sunday (the 23rd) mid-morning rolled around, I had a strong urge to get out of the house and do something totally different. Joe puts up with these urges well, so he asked what I wanted to do. A movie sounded like fun, so we looked up what was in theaters (How did we live without the internet? Remember those horrible theater-time recordings - the ones you would listen patiently to, only to get distracted RIGHT when they said the times for the movie you wanted? ). Nothing at all exciting was in the theaters. We tried to think of other things to do, but couldn't. Finally, I convinced Joe to take me to see Twilight. It's been a while since he's sat through a high school drama movie with me, so off we went, more for the thrill of seeing a movie during the middle of the day than anything else.
(Deep Breath) I actually liked it. More than a little. That's all I'm going to say about that.

Tuesday night (the 25th) I got to talk with two of my friends who were reading the books, and I made plans to borrow the first one on Sunday. Both were excited I was giving it a try. Later that night, Joe took me by Hastings, and I bought the first book. Yes, I bought it from the Teen Series section. Can you see the obsession beginning?
Over Thanksgiving I read the entire Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. All 2824 pages (including the draft of Midnight Sun available on the author's website). Here's how it went:
Thursday / Thanksgiving: Much of Joe's family was watching movies (we're talking Nacho Libre), and blocked it out and read. Emily has an awesome jacuzzi tub, so I got to try it out and finish the first book, Twilight, that night.
Friday late morning, I bought the second book, New Moon. In the afternoon, Joe played disc golf in a Houston park while I enjoyed the nice weather and got started reading. I finished it that night at home. Joe took me to pick up the final two books, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.
Saturday & Sunday I hardly did anything other than reading. I was a little sick, so staying still felt even better. Sunday night I finished the fourth book and Midnight Sun (like the first book, except told from Edward's point of view - thanks, Chalyce, for sharing!).
So did I enjoy it? Most definitely, yes. Now that the buzz has worn off a little, I can see some of the faults, but I still like the books. Even though the last one (Breaking Dawn) may have more inconsistencies, I think it was my favorite. It was a little more my style - more action-focused than relationship-focused (like the first two were). The second, New Moon, was my least favorite, but any book that can make me feel so strongly ("God help me, if she kisses him, I WILL rent a steamroller to destroy this book") deserves some amount of credit.
Let me know if you read these and what you think! We'll talk about dressing up to see the next movie together. ;)
Friday, November 21st, Joe and I were walking to the register at HEB when I saw him. A kid (how I now refer to high school guys) who looked normal other than white makeup on his face. Let me remind you, I'm in Bryan, Texas. Not much of a goth scene here. So I nudged Joe and shot a questioning look at the guy. Joe whispered, "That movie - Twilight," and I choked out a laugh before I could stop. Immediately Joe said "You're one to laugh!" He's totally right - but it caught me off guard! Vegetarian vampires walking around HEB!
That weekend we had been doing wedding shower and house related stuff. By the time Sunday (the 23rd) mid-morning rolled around, I had a strong urge to get out of the house and do something totally different. Joe puts up with these urges well, so he asked what I wanted to do. A movie sounded like fun, so we looked up what was in theaters (How did we live without the internet? Remember those horrible theater-time recordings - the ones you would listen patiently to, only to get distracted RIGHT when they said the times for the movie you wanted? ). Nothing at all exciting was in the theaters. We tried to think of other things to do, but couldn't. Finally, I convinced Joe to take me to see Twilight. It's been a while since he's sat through a high school drama movie with me, so off we went, more for the thrill of seeing a movie during the middle of the day than anything else.
(Deep Breath) I actually liked it. More than a little. That's all I'm going to say about that.

Tuesday night (the 25th) I got to talk with two of my friends who were reading the books, and I made plans to borrow the first one on Sunday. Both were excited I was giving it a try. Later that night, Joe took me by Hastings, and I bought the first book. Yes, I bought it from the Teen Series section. Can you see the obsession beginning?
Over Thanksgiving I read the entire Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. All 2824 pages (including the draft of Midnight Sun available on the author's website). Here's how it went:
Thursday / Thanksgiving: Much of Joe's family was watching movies (we're talking Nacho Libre), and blocked it out and read. Emily has an awesome jacuzzi tub, so I got to try it out and finish the first book, Twilight, that night.
Friday late morning, I bought the second book, New Moon. In the afternoon, Joe played disc golf in a Houston park while I enjoyed the nice weather and got started reading. I finished it that night at home. Joe took me to pick up the final two books, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.
Saturday & Sunday I hardly did anything other than reading. I was a little sick, so staying still felt even better. Sunday night I finished the fourth book and Midnight Sun (like the first book, except told from Edward's point of view - thanks, Chalyce, for sharing!).
So did I enjoy it? Most definitely, yes. Now that the buzz has worn off a little, I can see some of the faults, but I still like the books. Even though the last one (Breaking Dawn) may have more inconsistencies, I think it was my favorite. It was a little more my style - more action-focused than relationship-focused (like the first two were). The second, New Moon, was my least favorite, but any book that can make me feel so strongly ("God help me, if she kisses him, I WILL rent a steamroller to destroy this book") deserves some amount of credit.
Let me know if you read these and what you think! We'll talk about dressing up to see the next movie together. ;)
Labels: books, What's Happened
At least it's the teen section. I've been reading books by Madeline L'Engle recently, and some of them are on the youth fiction shelves.
I just reread A Wrinkle in Time and the ones that follow it early last summer! They're definitely in the youth fiction section, but you can get a lot out of those when you're older, too. We should talk more - I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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