Behind the Scenes
A year ago about this time, Joe and I were squeezing in quick segments of recording for a video for our church's filmfest. Now, Joe and I have EACH lost 15+ pounds from this time last year (this is related, I'm promise I'm not just sharing my excitement), so we were both the heaviest we've ever been while doing that video. Joe wore an orange jumpsuit for the opening and closing scenes, but it only barely fit him years before when we made the purchase in Thailand.
Picture this: It's a Saturday afternoon, and campus is mostly empty. Joe gets keys to a piano practice room in the bottom floor of the MSC (Memorial Student Center at A&M) while I wait a safe distance away with a camera, tripod, and backpack. If you've never been there, a double-door opens to a short staircase which leads to a hallway with 4 practice rooms that are locked. Our key is for the first one on the left. We meet at the room where I keep watch (there is a small window in the room that you see at the end of the video) while Joe changes from his street clothes into the jumpsuit. The jumpsuit doesn't button at all above the waist, or (to be honest) the first one below the waist.
We're about halfway done with the taping (it is hard to make sure him hitting the keys lines up with the music) when we hear someone open the door to the practice area and start up the stairs. I go to the little window to see that it was a cleaning lady (or whatever the current PC term is). Joe hid in the front corner of the room (to be out of window view). She goes into the other practice rooms looking for any trash, and I know she's heading our way. I decide it'd be best to head her off, so I open the door and step partially out, still blocking the opening in the doorway. I asked her if she needed anything in the room, and said that we didn't have any trash. She said she was about to leave for the day, and that she would get in trouble if there was any trash in the rooms the next morning. I promised that I'd do a final sweep and make sure we didn't leave any trash in the room. She seemed satisfied with that, and then suddenly mumbled "quick check," pushed open the door, and walked into the room. I'll try to create a collage of what she saw:
A man in an orange jumpsuit (that is clearly unbuttoned) standing facing the corner of room, but looking over his shoulder trying to figure out who else is in the room and looking embarrassed.
A pile of clothes on the chair, including a watch and rings.
A camera on a tripod.
Of course there were other things in the room, but judging by her expression she hadn't noticed them. She started to laugh. She again explained how if this room was a mess in the morning that she would get in trouble (in many more words that took decades to say), and I again assured her that we would clean up, and then she finally left... still laughing.
Here's the video if you'd like to enjoy it again:Labels: Neat or Funny
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